A man took his dog to the vet.  “Sorry,” said the vet, “but your dog is dead” – Funny Jokes

A man took his dog to the vet.  “Sorry,” said the vet, “but your dog is dead”. Distraught  man asks the vet for a second opinionZZ the vet brings in the practice cat.  Cat sniffs aroundZZ no response from dog.  Vet says “sorry, but your dog is dead”.  Man insists on a third opinion,  so … Read more

Three American Indian women in the wild west are about to give birth – Funny Jokes

Three American Indian women in the wild west are about to give birth.  One is lying on  a buffalo skin; one is lying on a moose skin; and one is lying on a hippopotamus skin.  The first  woman gives birth to a boy.  The second gives birth to a girl.  And the third gives birth … Read more

Patient:  Dr, Dr Z I can’t get this song out of my head and it’s driving me mad – Funny Jokes

Patient:  Dr, Dr Z I can’t get this song out of my head and it’s driving me mad.  I can’t  stop humming “It’s Good to Touch the Green Green Grass of Home” Doctor:  “Hmm, sounds like Tom Jones Syndrome” Patient ” Never heard of it” Doctor  “Well it’s not unusual …”