A man on a business trip is staying in a highZrise hotel with a bar on the top floor – Funny Jokes

A man on a business trip is staying in a highZrise hotel with a bar on the top floor.   After checking in and seeing his room, he decides to go upstairs.  There’s only one other  patron in the bar.  The businessman orders a drink and then watches in surprise as the other  patron quickly eats … Read more

Two hikers were walking through the woods when they noticed a bear charging – Funny Jokes

Two hikers were walking through the woods when they noticed a bear charging  towards them in the distance. The first hiker removed his trail boots and began to lace up his  running shoes. The second hiker laughed and said, “Why bother changing out of your boots?  You can’t outrun a bear.” The first hiker replied, … Read more

Three vampires are sitting at a bar – Funny Jokes

Three vampires are sitting at a bar.  Bartender asks the first one what he wants.  “I  think I’ll have a glass of blood.”  “Okay, what’ll you have?” he asks the second vampire.  “That  sounds good.  I’ll have a glass of blood too.”  “And what can I get for you?” he asks the third  vampire.  “I’ll … Read more