A man walks into a bar and notices two pieces of beef nailed to the ceiling – Funny Jokes

A man walks into a bar and notices two pieces of beef nailed to the ceiling. He asks the  barman why they’re there. “It’s a competition. If you can climb up there and get those bits of  meat down you’ll get free drinks all night. But if you try and fail then you’ll have to … Read more

A shipwreck survivor washes up on the beach of an island and is immediately – Funny Jokes

A shipwreck survivor washes up on the beach of an island and is immediately  surrounded by a group of native warriors.  “I’m done for”, the man cries in despair. “No you are not,” comes a booming voice from the heavens.  “Listen carefully, and do exactly  as I say.  Grab the spear from the one who … Read more

While robbing a home, a burglar hears someone say – Funny Jokes

While robbing a home, a burglar hears someone say, “Jesus is watching you.” To his  relief, he realizes it is just a parrot mimicking something it had heard.  The burglar asks the parrot, “What’s your name?”  The parrot says, “Moses.”  The burglar goes on to ask, “What kind of a person names their parrot Moses?”  … Read more

A man took his dog to the vet.  “Sorry,” said the vet, “but your dog is dead” – Funny Jokes

A man took his dog to the vet.  “Sorry,” said the vet, “but your dog is dead”. Distraught  man asks the vet for a second opinionZZ the vet brings in the practice cat.  Cat sniffs aroundZZ no response from dog.  Vet says “sorry, but your dog is dead”.  Man insists on a third opinion,  so … Read more